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Saturday, August 29, 2009

friends :)

*friendship till the end*

a while ago i met a stranger..
a stranger who give me a nice smile..
a smile that sowed a special seed..
a seed of friendship !

the seed flourished into a strong, steady and solid friendship..
a friendship that is as tough as an oak tree..
a friendship tree that was full of fun and laughter..

a friendship where we shared our greatest joy..
..and our greatest disasters..

we discovered many interesting things together..
you saved me heaps of times =D
but sometimes things don't work out that well..

but the most important thing that we discovered..
was our little friendship tree..

friends :D

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written with a pen
sealed with a kiss

if you're my friend
please answer this :
are we friends or are we not ?
you told me once, but i forgot

so tell me now and tell me true,
so i can say, i am here for you

off all the friends i've ever met,
you're the one i won't forget

and if i die before you do,
i'll go to heaven
and wait for you

my first time to blog

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gak tau apa yang harus gue tulis di dalem blog pertama gue ini.
gue gak biasa nulis sih. apalagi kalau untuk dipublikasiin ke umum
*masih mikir mau nulis apa*

kosong, gak tau apa yang harus diceritain
gue bikin ni blog juga bukan karena gue mau, tapi mau gak mau gue mesti bikin.
kenapa?? karena ini tugas dari guru tik yang harus dibuat kalo gue mau dapet nilai.
ternyata bikin blog dan nuangin apa yang gue rasain dalem blog itu gak semudah yang gue bayangin selama ini.
karena terbukti, setelah berjam-jam gue mikir, yang gue tulis tetep hal gak penting.
jadi kayaknya gue pikir ini doang yang gue bisa tulis sekarang.
gue harap gue bisa nulis yang lebih bagus dari ini. nantinya. :)

sorry, buat yang kecewa banget liat ni blog.
hhaa.. :D