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Sunday, February 14, 2010

really miss you

" i really really miss MY BLOG "

Monday, January 25, 2010

can't wait too long

hey hey all ^waving waving hand^
long time no see (3 weeks if im not mistaken) i wanna inform you something this time we're gonna watching these films this year :

Alice in Wonderland
(5th of March 2010)

Iron Man 2
(7th of May 2010)

Shrek : Forever After
(21st of May 2010)

Toy Story 3
(18th of June 2010)

The Last Airbender
(2nd of July 2010)

Robin Hood
(14th of May 2010)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part.1
(19th November 2010)

(30th of Juny 2010)

Narnia : Voyage of the Dawn Treader

nb :
i can't wait until december to see edmund pevensie a.k.a skandar keynes in his newest film , voyage of the dawn treader

Monday, January 4, 2010

quotes of the day


"I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
-thomas alfa edison-


"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes."
-winston churcill-


"don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world.
If you do so, you are insulting yourself"

-alen strike-


"the only true wisdom is knowing that u know nothing"


"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
-abraham lincoln-


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
-albert einstein-


"If you are going through hell, keep going."

-winston churcill-

Sunday, January 3, 2010


hey hey all ! ^waving hand^
how was your new year's party? it must be full of happiness . lucky you .
and unlucky me, i spent my night just doing nothing and sleeping all night.

enough about my bad new year.

sekarang gue mau ngebahas postingan gue sebelumnya , failists gue.
di failists gue itu , gue berniat untuk ga lagi mengucapkan `forbidden` words yg ada.
tapi di postingan gue sebelum ini ^previous one^ gue nulis kata" shitty.
yap, gue ngelanggar lagi . sebenernya resolution gue buat hal yang satu itu udah dilanggar di hari pertama gue di tanggal 1 januari .

jadi sebenernya , in the midnight *sekitar jam 00.05* , gue keluar kamar buat nyari minum di dapur. berhubung lampunya ga idup dan gue udah haus banget yaudah gue kira" aja tuh kulkas dimana . yang ada kaki kiri gue ketendang kursi , mulut gue udah ngomel" tuh *forbidden words nya keluar* gue ngelanggar untuk pertama kalinya . yang kedua , itu karena gue mau cepet" masuk kamar *gue takut didapur lama" sepi banget* gue rada buru" jalannya ga liat kiri kanan, akhirnya kaki kanan gue yg nabrak kaki piano. *gue ngomel lagi + taboo words* . yg terakhir gue nyelonong aja tuh ke kamar setelah minum, dengan suksesnya kepala gue nyut"an, gue nabrak pintu kamar. begonya gue, gue lupa tadi tuh pintu gue tutup waktu keluar. *jelas omelan gue makin parah, orang badan gue sakit semua jadinya, ngomel sendiri*

malem itu juga gue putusin untuk ga ngebahas resolusi gue yg satu itu lagi.
^ give up give up give up ^

tapi gue ga kecewa kok, honestly, gue pikir gue lebih bebas aja ngejalanin hidup gue tanpa adanya larangan buat ngomong kata" itu .

"i have nothing to do,
i spent my time just thinking thinking about school

shitty school
eventhough , gue akuin, di sekolah gue punya banyak orang yg mau share their smile and their joyfull to me. thanks a lot friends ^smile^

Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009's failists

kenapa gue bilang failists ? yah , karena memang ini resolusi tahun lalu gue yg belum gue tepatin :

  1. gue ga nepatin janji yg gue buat sendiri . yap , gue buat janji dan gue sendiri yg ga nepatin . well , emang sih kadang bukan sepenuhnya salah gue. tapi tetep aja gue merasa bersalah . seenggaknya gue udah say sorry ke setiap orang yg ga gue tepatin janjinya . sorry banget .
  2. lie, yah, i made some little lie in 2009. but i swear , i'm not a real liar. i just made little ones , such as : di jalan ada orang yg nyamperin mobil dan minta duit ke gue . gue bilang aja kagak punya duit . is it a lie ? yah , i think. a little lie.
  3. i can't tell them what i wanna do without feel guilty. sometimes, i can't say no when someone ask for help to me. it's soooo annoying. why ? sometimes they don't care if i had something more important to do than help them to do unimportant one. but, as you know i can't say no. big probs.
  4. i'm not a serious one. in every aspect. i can't keep my concentration at school or everywhere. i don't know how to keep it. gue udah sering coba untuk konsentrasi, tapi hasilnya nihil . konsentrasi gue cepet banget buyar apalagi kalau gue denger atau liat something interesting di sekitar gue dan hal itu banyak banget. damn it !
  5. i got many very bad scores at school. nilai" yg gue dapet disekolah akhir" ini , the worst score i've ever had. yah, emang salah guenya gue males banget buat ngelakuin hal yang namanya b-e-l-a-j-a-r . eventhough gue tau, i will face national exam on march, 2010 `bertepatan dengan ulang tahun gue` can i have another shit?
  6. i can't keep my mouth from 'forbidden' and 'taboo' words. gue tau kurang sopan buat bilang sh*t , m*r*n , and etc. didepan orang banyak. di negara asalnya aja itu bukan kata kata yang pantes diucapin. but i did it . yah, good child .
  7. boros banget. i can save Rp.0 this year. niat gue yang awalnya mau saving some money dari duit jajan duit lain yang dikasih sama papa ternyata hilang sama sekali, ga berbekas. i'll try it again in this year, i swear.
  8. i can't buy my dream gadgets without using my parents' money. gimana mau beli pake duit sendiri, orang nyimpen duit juga kagak. yah, terpaksa my beloved parents harus ngeluarin duit mereka lagi dan lagi buat beliin gue barang" itu.
  9. i broke things up . 1st gue udah ngerusakin ipod gue sendiri . ipod gamau nyala dan gamau nyimpen lagu. 2nd , giliran laptop yg sekarat, internet gamau dipake dan microsoft word nya lama banget dibuka. bayangin gue harus nunggu 30 menit cuma buat nerima kenyataan kalau microsoft word gue gagal dibuka a.k.a ga bisa kebuka. 3rd, kaca jam pecah `yg ini bukan salah gue, waktu gue nemuin tuh jam udah pecah aja`yg pasti bukan gue yg mecahin. tetep gue yang menanggung semua . 4th ini lebih parah , gue meletakkan translator gue dengan sembarangan ditempat yg ga gue ketahui (dibaca : ngilangin) untuk kedua kalinya. yg pertama waktu smp . sekarang sepupu gue ikut" an ngilangin translator dan itu translator gue . `3 translator yg dibeliin orangtua gue buat gue ilang sia sia cuma buat dikasih gratisan buat orang yg nemuin tuh translator.`
yep, cuma itu yg gue inget dan bisa gue ceritain dengan baik . yg lain udah gatau kemana .

conclusion : terlalu banyak kesalahan yg gue buat tahun ini,smp gue sendiri \
lupa kesalahan apa aja yg udah gue buat. yg pasti bukan cuma yg
diatas, masih banyak yg lain.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

they don't have any rights

" they talk about me as if they have RIGHTS to do, they think they know everything,
in FACT they don't know anything about me "